단일 대들보 오버 헤드 크레인의 풀리 블록의 유지 보수 포인트

2017년 4월 19일

IMG_1130 拷贝

  1. Single girder overhead crane unpick and wash service the pulley block, should to check crack
  2. Maintenance of the pulley groove
  3. Check the axle hole
  4. Assembly
  5. Pulley shaft must no cracks, wear of shaft neck can't more than 30% of the original diameter, conicity can't more than 5%, if more than this value should be replaced;
  6. Check pulley groove by template, wear of radial should not exceed 30% of the thickness, otherwise should be scrapped. Which not exceed the standard can be patch, and check by template after overhauled, the bottom and the backlash should not be greater than 0.5mm, deviation of the pulley center line and the groove center line should not exceed 0.2mm, rope groove center to the end face contour deviation should not exceed 1mm;
  7. Single girder overhead crane after overhaul, axle holes allow defects which less than 0.25CM2, the depth should not exceed 4mm;
  8. After the assembly should be able to flexible rotation by hand, sideshake must not exceed D1000mm--pulley nominal dia.

문의 보내기

  • 이메일: sales@hndfcrane.com
  • 핸드폰: +86-182 3738 3867

  • 왓츠앱: +86-191 3738 6654
  • 전화: +86-373-581 8299
  • 팩스: 0373-215 7000
  • 스카이프: 다팡2012

  • 추가: 중국 허난성 신샹시 창나오 공업구
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