Dafang Crane Group Solemnly Held The 2021 “Golden Autumn Scholarship” Activity

August 30, 2021

Love to help students, Dafang cultivates talents. On the afternoon of August 23, Dafang Crane Group solemnly held the 2021 "Golden Autumn Scholarship" activity. Han Ruihao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Naoli Town, Lu Shuchang, Secretary of Naoli Village, Ma Xianglin, Secretary of Wugang Village, Hu Tingli, Secretary of Liulizhuang Village, Xiao An Leaders such as Gao Yunzhang, secretary of the village branch, Ma Junjie, chairman of Dafang Crane Group, and Liu Zijun, general manager of Dafang Heavy Machinery, attended the meeting.

Han Ruihao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Naoli Town, delivered a speech. Han Ruihao said that the merits of education are in the contemporary era and will benefit the future. Over the years, party committees and governments at all levels have attached great importance to education and adopted measures to assist and rescue. All sectors of society have actively participated in solving the problem of children from families with difficulties in going to school, and remarkable results have been achieved.

Han Ruihao emphasized that Dafang Crane Group has not forgotten the rewards for its development, and is enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings. It has long persisted in supporting poor college students for more than ten years. It has enabled a large number of poor students with excellent academic performance to successfully complete their studies and contribute to the education cause of Changyuan City. Outstanding contribution, walking in the front of the city, setting an example for private enterprises, is a vigorous, responsible, connotative, and respected enterprise.

Han Ruihao hopes that the funded students will cherish opportunities, keep striving for self-improvement, achieve success in learning, establish lofty ideals, ambitious, diligent and considerate, and strive to become useful talents with both ability and integrity, and build their hometowns with true talents and learning. The country and the society.

At the granting ceremony of granting scholarships, Dafang Crane Group issued grants to more than 50 college students from Naoli Town and the children of employees within the group who needed to be funded, and used practical actions to cheer for the underprivileged students.

On behalf of Dafang Crane Group, Ma Junjie expressed his gratitude to the leaders who attended the event, congratulated the students named on the gold list, and expressed blessings to the parents of the students! Ma Junjie said that since 2009, Dafang Crane Group has insisted on carrying out the golden autumn student assistance activities every year, repaying the society with practical actions, and doing its best for the villagers.

Ma Junjie shared three sentences with the sponsored students and encouraged everyone.

The mountains are high and the people are the peaks, and the sea is broad and unbounded. Ma Junjie said that entering the university of your choice is an important turning point in your life and the best time to acquire knowledge. I hope that students will study hard, master knowledge, be mindful, cultivate self-cultivation, think carefully, discern, use reason to control themselves, and use law to restrain themselves. , Use ethics to standardize yourself, use wisdom to enlighten yourself, and in the future will become a spiritually rich person, a person with a high vision, and a high-quality talent with extraordinary contributions to society!

If a worker wants to do well, he must first sharpen his tools. Ma Junjie said that science and technology are the primary productive forces, and knowledge changes destiny. To become useful talents in national construction, industry leaders, and realize their value in life, students must study hard, work hard, and master advanced scientific knowledge in school. , Learn the skills of self-employment.

The tide is flat and the shore is broad, urging people to move in, and it's time to set sail. Ma Junjie said that the students have caught up with the best era of China's economic and social development. Industrialization, informatization, and urbanization are developing rapidly. The society urgently needs all kinds of talents. A good era provides a broad stage for students to realize their ideals in life.

In the end, Ma Junjie hopes that the students can return from their studies, join Dafang, and contribute to the development of Dafang and the construction of his hometown.

Representatives of sponsored students and parents of students also spoke separately.


Charity creates harmony and love inherits virtues. For a long time, Dafang Crane Group has taken the initiative to participate in various charity and public welfare undertakings and held the "Golden Autumn Scholarship" activity, which fully embodies Dafang's high sense of social responsibility and the noble feelings of Dafang people to get rich and never forget Sangzi. In the future, the group will continue to stay true to its original intention and let more people feel the warmth of generosity.

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