A Debating Showdown On Quality Culture Is Staged Here Wonderfully

November 30, 2021

This is a double duel of thought and speech. This is an exchange and collision of quality culture. A debate about quality culture was staged here.ssociation, company general manager Liu Zijun, deputy general managers Yang Zunjia, Li Xiaoning, Fu Jianchun and other leaders attended.

In order to invigorate the cultural construction atmosphere of the Quality Month, enhance the quality awareness of all employees, and create a good environment where all employees care about and value quality, Dafang Group's labor union held a grand quality month debate on the theme of vigorously promoting the construction of high-quality enterprises. General manager Liu Zijun and other senior leaders and more than 200 employees participated.

The scene of the debate.

A total of 8 teams from various positions participated in this quality theme debate. The competition is divided into four parts: opening argument, debate, free debate, and summary submission. In the debate, the debaters were full of confidence and geared up. After the host introduces the game process and rules, the game officially begins.

Teams the enter the semi-final.

The opening arguments of each group of debaters are rooted in quality, novel ideas, and well-founded, which won rounds of applause from the audience. In the stage of interrogation and free debate, the two sides fully demonstrated the sharpness of speech and the agility of thinking, and constantly seized the loopholes in the opinions put forward by the opponent's defense friends to fight back.

The two sides began to "exchange fire".

The topic of this debate is close to the actual work, and every debater has used extensive quotes and witty remarks, combining theory and reality to fully demonstrate their views. Each of the powerful arguments showed the wonderful arguments of the different opinions of the debaters. Humorous and humorous language was heard from time to time in the arena, which attracted endless laughter and applause.

There is no gunpowder, but it is a battlefield. The two sides are relatively inconsistent with each other, and dedicated a wonderful debate game for everyone. The outstanding performance of the debaters has also been fully affirmed by the judges.

The excellent performance of the debater won the full affirmation of the judges.

The technical representative team won the first prize of this competition.


The production representative team won the second prize of this competition.

After fierce competition, the technical representative team and the production representative team won the first and second prizes of this competition respectively.

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