Representatives of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association visited Dafang

January 27, 2021

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Recently, Jing Xiaobo, Executive Vice Chairman of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, Wang Jisheng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, Sun Jize, Chairman of Bridge Crane Professional Committee of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, and Li Shuguang, Secretary-General of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association visited Dafang for research and guidance. Group Chairman Ma Junjie, Chairman of Dafang Heavy Machinery Zhang Honglian, General Manager of Dafang Heavy Machine Liu Zijun and other company leaders accompanied the investigation.

Jing Xiaobo, executive vice chairman of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, and his party visited Dafang for research and guidance

Sun Jize, chairman of the Bridge Crane Professional Committee of the Heavy Machinery Association, and his entourage visited Dafang to investigate and guide the work

In the science and technology experience center, Ma Junjie introduced to Jing Xiaobo and Sun Jize the company's corporate culture, development history, scientific and technological research and development, social responsibility, etc., and introduced the Dafang green, intelligent crane, and a new generation of electric Products such as hoists, steel structure bridges, and mobile workshops.

In front of the Dafang big data platform, Jing Xiaobo, Sun Jize and his entourage carried out detailed observations, from anti-sway positioning, remote control, voice control, DFMES system, unmanned cranes, etc., to deeply understand Dafang's green equipment manufacturing, Intelligence and information.

Jing Xiaobo and his entourage research and guide work at the Science and Technology Experience Center

Sun Jize and his entourage research and guide work in the Science and Technology Experience Center

Subsequently, Jing Xiaobo, Sun Jize and his entourage went to our group's single-girder workshop, double-beam workshop, and intelligent workshop to conduct field investigations, and carefully observed the steel structure bridges our group was making for the Xi'an Outer Ring, Hebao Expressway, and Puwei Expressway projects.

Jing Xiaobo said that Dafang Group has developed rapidly in recent years, and its manufacturing, product quality, and new product development are changing with each passing day. Especially large-scale non-standard products and steel bridge production have demonstrated unique and Dafang advantages. Jing Xiaobo encouraged us we must firmly grasp the new trend of technological development, focus on promoting breakthroughs in core technologies in key areas, focus on the future development strategy layout, lead the crane manufacturing industry, and exert greater strength for the high-quality development of China's heavy machinery industry.

Jing Xiaobo and his entourage had a cordial conversation with the leaders of our group in the conference room

In the conference room, Jing Xiaobo also learned in detail about our group's participation in the Changyuan International Lifting Equipment Expo in recent years, and asked about the preparations for participating in the Lifting Equipment Expo. Dafang Group thoroughly implements the "three major transformation" projects proposed by the Henan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to further increase production capacity and increase production efficiency. It has a strong development momentum and a stable industry position. New, large and special products are emerging, Steel structure and steel bridge products have shown a spurt of growth, and they have been applied to many key national projects. Especially this year, despite the impact of the epidemic, Dafang Group's business indicators in the first half of the year have grown against the trend, management has become more scientific and perfect, and technical advantages have become more obvious. The competitiveness is stronger, and the competitive advantage is more prominent! Dafang in the future will be a responsible, dynamic, and connotative enterprise.

Sun Jize and his entourage took a group photo with the leaders of our group

In the future, Dafang Group will continue to strengthen management, increase research and development efforts, innovate and make breakthroughs, produce high-tech and high-quality products, provide services to more customers, continue to promote the "three major transformation" projects, and make the company bigger and stronger for Changyuan, for the Central Plains, contribute to the high-quality development of China's heavy machinery industry.

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  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Add: Changnao Industrial District, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China
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